- We’re here to help motivated learners into work, and help employers hire reliable talent. Zero commissions. Zero charges.
Both local and national employers are rapidly discovering the benefits of recruiting motivated and qualified staff through Strive Training.
We work with you to understand what skills and attributes your positions require, as well as understand your company’s unique corporate culture. We can then potentially tailor our relevant course modules to suit your requirements and recruit the most suitable screened learners to the course.
Your company and opportunities are promoted to the learners through our courses. This may be done through promotional materials, a presentation at our training centers, or even a tour of your premises!
Standout learners can then be interviewed on our premises or a venue of your choice. Or we can support them through your own recruitment processes.
Strive Training is a well established independent training provider with the key aims and objectives of empowering individuals to help them realise their potential through gaining the skills and qualifications they need to get into work.
Dunelm have worked alongside Strive Training to attract some great candidates for our store vacancies across London.
The calibre of candidates is excellent and the preparation Strive Training put in with the candidates who are put forward to our interview days makes them stand out.
Every candidate we have seen through Strive Training has been energetic and keen to get back into work, and by having access to Strive Training’s Customer Service training course they already have a great foundation to enable them to build a fantastic career with us at Waitrose.
“Strive’s in-depth preparation and research into finding the right people always results in successful, sustainable placements for our organisation.”
“A high proportion of learners secure jobs, attend interviews, and develop clear career goals’’
“…the quality of delivery at the different centres is of a constantly high standard.”
“…provide learning support that is well tailored for individuals.” “Teachers plan their classes so that almost all learners develop the skills and behaviours that they need to gain jobs…”
“Managers and teachers ensure that courses are closely focused on developing learners’ employment skills. Teachers plan their classes so that almost all learners develop the skills and behaviours that they need to gain jobs or move on to further learning’’
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