Business, Leadership and Management
Functional Skills
IT Skills
Retail and Hospitality
Health and Wellbeing
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Business, Leadership and Management
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Functional Skills
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Childcare and Education
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Retail and Hospitality
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Health and Wellbeing
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Logistics and Warehousing
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Environmental and Sustainability
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Health and Social Care
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Business, Leadership and Management
Functional Skills
IT Skills
Retail and Hospitality
Health and Wellbeing
Logistics and Warehousing
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Join your tutor and other learners on Zoom. These are short, full-time courses.
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Join us in our Croydon or Hackney centres for face-to-face teaching and support.
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Business, Leadership and Management
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Functional Skills
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Childcare and Education
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Retail and Hospitality
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Health and Wellbeing
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Logistics and Warehousing
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Environmental and Sustainability
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Health and Social Care
I’d finished university, but was unemployed because of the pandemic. LIke so many others, I’d been feeling uncertain.
My JCP advisor referred me to Strive Training’s Employability Course, which was linked to Metro Bank. It sounded interesting, and the offer of a guaranteed interview with the bank gave me a feeling of optimism.
The course was 100% online, but given that I’ve experienced plenty of online learning at uni, I wasn’t phased one bit.
First off, I have to mention Antonia, our tutor. I just loved her energy. She was so passionate, but also professional. She really puts herself out there to get the best out of you. The group dynamic over zoom worked really well.
Great content. Great people. Great tutor. I had no idea these types of funded courses existed!
Well, I got the job at Metro Bank! I am so excited and so grateful to Antonia.
Besides setting me up with the opportunity, the course helped me put together a winning CV, gave me a positive and healthy mindset, and helped me appreciate what employers actually look for in a candidate.
I’m so excited about starting my career with Metro Bank. Thank you Strive!