Learner Stories


Learner Background

Learner Background

I’m looking for work in customer service, and felt it was important to have a strong qualification so I stand out from other job candidates. Of course, I’d also improve and expand my customer service skills so that I can eventually put them into practice in a more professional way.

How Strive Training helped

How Strive Training helped

At first I was a bit hesitant to do an eLearning course because in the past I had started one course but was unable to complete it. On this occasion I had a little more free time so I’ve tried again – and I’m pleased I did it!

One of the best things about this course is the flexibility –  I was able to manage my study in a way that best suited me and my schedule. I studied around three hours a day because I chose to go slowly, but have a better understanding of all the units. Working this way I completed the course in six weeks, but definitely it could have been completed faster. 

The course is comprehensive and covers all customer service areas. It’s well made, simple to navigate with a tutor available for support whenever there’s a need. Another great benefit is that the qualification is completely funded and fully accredited.

In short, I’d definitely recommend this course to other people.

How Strive Training helped

Learner Outcome

I’ve improved essential customer service skills: communication, listening, and problem solving – I’m now feeling much more enthusiastic about hitting the job market! Here I come!