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Business, Leadership and Management
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Business, Leadership and Management
Functional Skills
IT Skills
Retail and Hospitality
Health and Wellbeing
Logistics and Warehousing
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Join your tutor and other learners on Zoom. These are short, full-time courses.
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Business, Leadership and Management
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Functional Skills
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Childcare and Education
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Retail and Hospitality
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Health and Wellbeing
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Logistics and Warehousing
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Environmental and Sustainability
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Health and Social Care
My name is Danijel and I live in London. I had been unemployed for around a year due to the current situation in the world. Before the pandemic, I was working in the events industry as an event host and registration staff member. As we all know, the events industry took a hard hit due to the pandemic, so I told myself I need to transfer my skills into another industry which is why I had a look at what courses Strive Training offer.
I took the Civil Service S.W.A.P course and I am currently taking the Principles of Business Administration course. I chose to do the Civil Service S.W.A.P course because I am interested in becoming a civil servant and wanted to gain the knowledge and confidence to enter the industry and stand out in my job applications. I was really excited to learn remotely. It gave me a sense of freedom as I was in the comfort of my own home and at the same time it allowed me to feel organised and confident in applying for the job roles I desired.
It was nice to meet new people which I have not done for a while. Overall, the experience not only gave me confidence in applying for jobs, but it was also beneficial for my mental health.
The best thing about this course was that I was doing a course which was fully accredited and completely free. I enjoyed the fact that it was fully flexible and that I had an amazing tutor which provided ongoing 1 to 1 support. It was also good to learn and grow with other people.
I would definitely recommend Strive Training to others as there are many course options to choose from which are completely free and not only do you get to learn a new skill and have a new qualification, but you also get a lot of support from your tutor and the Strive Training team.
I am much more confident about applying for jobs and I have an insight of what the civil service looks for. I am motivated to keeping improving myself and working towards my dream career.
My tutor Antonia was one of the best tutors that I have ever met. She was very enthusiastic and passionate about helping her students, made sure to explain everything so that we understand completely, and provided ongoing support and advice about the course as well as any other issues that we had. I am a much more motivated person because of her and will always credit her for being part of the reason that I am successful in the future.