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Business, Leadership and Management
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Health and Social Care
Saleena was suddenly made redundant from her previous job. Since leaving school, she’d been steadily employed. As such, the new ‘world of unemployment’ was unfamiliar, uncertain and lonely.
“I became increasingly worried and stressed on how the bills were going to be paid,” she recalls.
Salena’s phone was now filled with job board apps, where she’d immerse herself in for days at a time, furiously applying for any opportunities that sounded “half-decent.”
Saleena had by now attended numerous interviews, but was either unsuccessful or painfully not hearing anything back.
Her JCP work coach asked her how she was feeling. “I explained to my work coach that I was feeling a rollercoaster of emotions – some days I was feeling positive and others I was feeling defeated.”
“Also during this period my mother had an urgent liver transplant, so I was doing hospital runs every day and making sure my mum’s house was still running…it was really a tough time.”
Saleena’s work coach referred her to Strive Training’s two-week Business Administration course, thinking Saleena would benefit from a healthy dose of stimulation and motivation.
The course was delivered by Dee Lewis, who Saleena describes as an “incredible” tutor.
“The course gave me the theory behind all the administration processes and kept my knowledge current. Basically, it provided me with a dierent perspective to going about work.
I found out that when we work, too often we are just on ‘auto-pilot’, and while we may feel we are getting the job done – we actually aren’t!
Dee trained us in a fun, engaging and real to life way that kept me engaged and looking forward to the next day. The bonus is you also meet others who are experiencing the same struggles as you and you feel a great sense of support, which is so important.”
Strive Training’s Employer Engagement Manager, Ananta Patel, noticed Saleena’s upbeat attitude and professional demeanour.
After some initial discussions, Ananta oered her the opportunity to become Strive Training’s new Employment Engagement Officer.
Saleena was thrilled. She will be supporting Strive Training’s learners into work, co-ordinating with Ananta’s growing network of employers.
“I am extremely happy that I can give back to the communities and work for an organisation that values and respects people and is also ethical to who I am.
I can truly say that I am doing a job that I love, and am passionate about, and my role is rewarding. I get to share my experience, make a dierence and work helping others which I could not ask for more.
My advice would be to utilise every course when you are unemployed as you never know what doors it may open and to never give up, just keep going!”