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Health and Social Care
Provide men with the skills, knowledge and confidence
to be an effective parent.
Module 1 - Parenting Fundamentals
The ParentingPlus programme consists of ten stand-alone modules - one general module and nine optional follow-up specific modules that may be re and-choose which modules they attend.
The modules are designed to provide skills, knowledge, confidence and tools to be an effective parent - whether coming up for release or serving a longer sentence.
The modules create understanding on the impact their behaviour has on their children and wider family unit. Additionally, they have been designed to have a positive impact on an offender’s general behaviour and motivation.
Parenting Fundamentals
Day-to-Day Parenting Techniques
(coming soon)
Effective Role Modelling
Effective Discipline
(coming soon)
Mending Family Ties
Being a First-Time Father
(coming soon)
Teenagers - Building Relationships
(coming soon)
Single Parenting
(coming soon)
Raising Responsible Kids
(coming soon)
We have considered the regimes in establishments and how to ensure those that would like to attend can do so without impacting on other activities.
Each module is a single half-day session and can be delivered in an AM or PM session.
The programme is open to anyone who wants to develop their parenting skills, whether they’re currently fathers or fathers-to-be, irrespectiveof release date.
Even though this not an accredited qualification it is internally certificated and anyone who attends and completes a module will receive a certificate.
The optimum class size for each module is 8-10 offenders
Strive Training provide:
In-cell learning laptops or tablets are available with additional in-cell course content-depending on the establishment
"I can feel a real change in the ways my kids talk to me to now...there's more love now.
More respect. They share with me what's going on. There's no better feeling."
"It made me understand how I can still be a good dad even though
I'm on the inside for a while longer."
"I feel confident to start reaching out to my teenager now."
"My relationship with my kids was pretty good, but now I know how to take it up to the next level.”