Final Details This field is hidden when viewing the form
What is your preferred method of contact?* Please select Email Telephone SMS/Text messaging Post
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Generally, if need be is there a time that you prefer to be reached by telephone?* Please select 9am - 12pm 12pm - 3pm 3pm - 6pm 6pm - 8pm
Legal Consent* I consent*
Strive Training (London) LTD is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 and operates within the eight principles of Data Protection. For full details, please visit This activity is funded through Greater London Authority and could be used as match funding from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). GLA and ESFA support activities to extend employment opportunities and develop a skilled workforce.
Strive Training take your privacy seriously and our processes are in full compliance with the terms of GDPR 2018 law and other UK legislation governing the processing and retention of your personal information. The personal information you provide is passed to the Education & Skills Funding Agency and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). Where necessary it is also shared with The Department for Education. The information is used for the exercise of functions of these government departments and to meet statutory responsibilities, including the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009, and to create and maintain a unique learner number (ULN) and a Personal Learning Record (PLR). The information you provide may be shared with funding partners and other organisations for education, training, employment, and well-being related purposes, including for research. You may be contacted after you have completed your programme of learning to establish whether you have entered employment or gone onto further training or education. You may be contacted by the Greater London Managing Authority, or its agents, to carry out research and evaluation to inform the effectiveness of the programme. The Strive Training Privacy Statement, including details about use & access to your personal data, your rights, and details of organisations with whom we regularly share data are available at:
I consent to the terms of this Privacy Notice and agree to Strive Training retaining and using my details as described in this notice, please sign to confirm:
I hereby confirm that I have read, understood, and agree with the contents of this Learning Agreement on enrolment. The details outlined in this plan are correct to the best of my knowledge. I have discussed with my Training Provider (where appropriate) the content and details of this learning and am satisfied with the arrangements as set out. I confirm this plan was prepared and completed at my induction. The options and agreement detailed in the learning agreement have been discussed and agreed based on the Information, Advice and Guidance and Initial Assessment(s) given to me by my Training Provider. I confirm I am aware of Strive Training fees and charging policies and agreed to abide by their policies and procedures. I understand that if I have declared false information Strive Training may take action against me to reclaim the Course fees and support costs provided.
I hereby give Authorisation for my PLR (personal learning record) to be opened by an authorised person (training provider) if not already available. I understand I can access further information regarding this on the website:
ILR Privacy Notice
This privacy notice is issued by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Department of Education (DfE) to inform learners about the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and how their personal information is used in the ILR. Your personal information is used by the DfE to exercise our functions under article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR and to meet our statutory responsibilities, including under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009. Our lawful basis for using your special category personal data is covered under Substantial Public Interest based in law (Article 9(2)(g)) of GDPR legislation. This processing is under Section 54 of the Further and Higher Education Act (1992).
The ILR collects data about learners and learning undertaken. Publicly funded colleges, training organisations, local authorities, and employers (FE providers) must collect and return the data to the ESFA each year under the terms of a funding agreement, contract or grant agreement. It helps ensure that public money distributed through the ESFA is being spent in line with government targets. It is also used for education, training, employment, and well-being purposes, including research.
We retain your ILR learner data for 20 years for operational purposes (e.g. to fund your learning and to publish official statistics). Your personal data is then retained in our research databases until you are aged 80 years so that it can be used for long-term research purposes. For more information about the ILR and the data collected, please see the ILR specification at
ILR data is shared with third parties where it complies with DfE data sharing procedures and where the law allows it. The DfE and the English European Social Fund (ESF) Managing Authority (or agents acting on their behalf) may contact learners to carry out research and evaluation to inform the effectiveness of training.
For more information about how your personal data is used and your individual rights, please see the DfE Personal Information Charter ( and the DfE Privacy Notice (
If you would like to get in touch with us or request a copy of the personal information DfE holds about you, you can contact the DfE in the following ways:
• Using our online contact form
• By telephoning the DfE Helpline on 0370 000 2288
• Or in writing to: Data Protection Officer, Department for Education (B2.28), 7 & 8 Wellington Place, Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 4AW
If you are unhappy with how we have used your personal data, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at:
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. You can also call their helpline on 0303 123 1113 or visit
I declare that I am in receipt of a state benefit and am actively seeking employment or wish to be employed in fullness of time as at today’s date.
I earn less than £892 a month (individual Claims) or £1437 a month (household claims) and I am part of one of the following groups as determined by the Job Centre:
All Work-Related Requirement Group
Work Preparation Group
Work Focused Interview Group
I declare that I am in receipt of a state benefit and am actively seeking employment or wish to be employed in fullness of time as at today’s date, and the following applies:/p>
I receive other state benefits and my earned income (disregarding benefits) is less than £892 a month (if you are a sole adult in your benefit claim) or £1437 a month (if you are a joint benefit claim with your partner)..
I declare that I am actively seeking work or wish to be employed in fullness of time as at today's date.
I confirm that I am aged 19 or over on 31st August 2023.
I am unable to contribute towards the cost of the course.
I confirm that the course I am doing is Level 2 or below (includes ESOL).
I confirm I am employed and earning less than the current London Living Wage rate (annual gross salary).
I agree to inform Strive Training when I secure employment during or within 6 months of completing this course, and to provide the required documentation to confirm this. This is due to Government funding rules.
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Office Use This field is hidden when viewing the form
Qualification This field is hidden when viewing the form
Which course are you interested in? 2 Kent Centre Kent Civil Service Employability Kent Hospitality SWAP with Sodexo end Kent Centre Croydon Centre Croydon Basic IT Skills Croydon Business Administration Croydon Civil Service Employability Croydon Health and Social Care SWAP Croydon Hospitality and Catering SWAP with Sodexo Croydon Logistics and Warehousing SWAP Croydon Principles of Customer Service for 50+ Functional Skills - English (Entry Level 3) end Croydon Centre
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Assessment Results This field is hidden when viewing the form
ICT Level Please select Below Entry Level 1 Entry Level 1 Entry Level 2 Entry Level 3 Level 1 Level 2
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ICT Diagnostics Please select Below Entry Level 1 Entry Level 1 Entry Level 2 Entry Level 3 Level 1 Level 2
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Staff name Jayna Hirani Aashish Dhruv Florina Todiras Anamika Sharma Anna Longobardi Anita Gomez
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Strive Consent This field is hidden when viewing the form
Signature Staff*