Business, Leadership and Management
IT Skills
Retail and Hospitality
Health and Wellbeing
Logistics and Warehousing
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Join your tutor and other learners on Zoom. These are short, full-time courses.
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Join us in our Croydon or Hackney centres for face-to-face teaching and support.
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Business, Leadership and Management
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Functional Skills
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Childcare and Education
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Retail and Hospitality
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Health and Wellbeing
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Logistics and Warehousing
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Environmental and Sustainability
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Health and Social Care
No courses published yet
Business, Leadership and Management
IT Skills
Retail and Hospitality
Health and Wellbeing
Logistics and Warehousing
Main menu
Join your tutor and other learners on Zoom. These are short, full-time courses.
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Join us in our Croydon or Hackney centres for face-to-face teaching and support.
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Main menu
Business, Leadership and Management
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Functional Skills
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Childcare and Education
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Retail and Hospitality
Main menu
Health and Wellbeing
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Logistics and Warehousing
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Environmental and Sustainability
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Health and Social Care
Finally! We’re delighted to announce that we will be partially opening our Croydon centre on Monday, 14th of March! This will be the first step in a phased approach to complete opening.
We will initially be offering Entry Level Functional Skills courses in both Maths and English over four weeks, with a second set of Functional Skills courses scheduled for Monday, 25th April.
The safety of our Learners and staff are a priority. As such: